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Classic inquiry

Agnatic or matrilineal genealogy

Agnatic (or patrilineal) research consists of exclusively paternal ancestry research (father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather and so on).

The matrilineal research, on the other hand, consists of exclusively maternal ancestry research (mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great-grandmother and so on).

In both cases, the spouses of the researched ancestors can be added, but the research will not involve the ascendants of the spouses (which is instead included in the ascending genealogy).

The objective of this research is to focus on the surname, this way trying to go back in time as much as possible.

The extra Onoma touch? The addition of the ancestor’s signature family tree. A guaranteed WOW effect!

The rates

Agnatic or matrilineal genealogy (spouse not included). The rates vary based on the research period:

  • € 19 for each person found in the ancestry line between today and 1800
  • € 29 for each person found in the ancestry line between 1800 and 1700
  • € 45 for each person found in the ancestry line before 1700

Agnatic or matrilineal genealogy (spouse included): the rates vary based on the research period:

  • € 25 for each couple found in the ancestry line between today and 1800
  • € 35 for each couple found in the ancestry line between 1800 and 1700
  • € 49 for each couple found in the ancestry line before 1700

Included in the price:

  • numbered copy of each ancestor’s birth, marriage and death certificate
  • the collection of the various ancestors’ signatures
  • professions research
  • family tree drawing (with certain customisable elements)
  • family tree print
  • gedcom file (to have access to the research on the computer)
  • delivery

Ascending genealogy

Ascending genealogy is the research of the direct ancestry line that begins from you and continues through your parents, maternal and paternal grandparents, maternal and paternal great-grandparents etc…

Ascending genealogy differs from the agnatic or matrilineal one in that it includes the research of each spouse’s ancestors for each generation.

This research soon yields impressive numbers, since each person derives from the union of two people. Thus, the further back we go, the higher the number of people to be included in the family tree. For example, if a family tree spanning 6 generations implies searching for 64 people, 8 generations would involve 256.

The rates

  • 6 generations (64 people) genealogical research: €390 *
  • 7 generations (128 people) genealogical research: €790 *
  • 8 generations (256) genealogical research: €990 *

*Rates are only valid when the starting person, who represents the first generations, was born between 1960 and today. For the ancestry of a person born before 1960, the price is to be agreed , contact me.

Included in the price:

  • numbered copy of each ancestor’s birth, marriage and death certificate
  • professions research
  • military draft roles for the males (when possible)
  • research notes
  • family tree drawing (with certain customisable elements)
  • family tree print
  • gedcom file (to have access to the research on the computer)

Extended genealogy

Extended genealogy is the research of collaterals, meaning the brothers and sisters of your direct line ancestors, and their descendants.

Such research is perfect if your plan is to organise a cousinade, meaning an extended family reunion with all your cousins.

It is also ideal for those who wish to find distant relatives.

The extended genealogy research can only be done in relation to specific ancestors.

In other to find the descendants of the collaterals, it is necessary to trace back by a number of generations. For this reason, the extended genealogy includes a 4 generations ascending research.

The rates

  • Direct line ancestors up to 4 generations research + all of their collaterals and their descendants: € 1390 *
  • Direct line ancestors up to 4 generations research + collaterals of specific ancestors: price to be agreed

*Rates are only valid when the starting person, who represents the first generations, was born between 1960 and today. For the ancestry of a person born before 1960, the price is to be agreed, contact me.

Included in the price

  • numbered copy of each ancestor’s and each collateral’s birth, marriage and death certificate
  • professions research
  • military draft roles for the males (when possible)
  • research notes
  • family tree drawing (with certain customisable elements)
  • family tree print
  • gedcom file (to have access to the research on the computer)

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